I'm dubbing today an official no-snack day for me. I'm doing well so far (it's 4pm).

Last night was my big trial of defensive eating. A friend and I were supposed to go to an Italian restaurant but since I'm really not that into Italian food (I know, I know, I'm a freakshow) I had planned to get a light salad (no cheese, no pasta) and have only one alcoholic beverage.

We wound up at a Mediterranean place and aside from a few bites of hummus I actually adhered to my goals! Of course, breakfast and lunch were hearty affairs. =( The hummus at Virage where we went was ALL tahini. Yuck! I al
We also went to a comedy show where we got pictures with Colin Quinn. The show was good, but I wound up getting home so late and now I'm exhausted. I have a feeling there will be no kitchen adventures, despite the mountains of eggplant in my refrigerator =(

On a sad note, despite being so good at keeping goals, I'm not quite at goal weight, again. And with a graduation formal looming 16 days from now, I am hoping to shed the 2 lbs I'm carrying above what I would like. So, hopefully the blog will help me keep to my no snacking goals.

I will definitely be doing some cooking for Mothers Day but until then I'll try and post something every now and then!

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    I'm a recent graduate from medical school and a pathology resident living in New York City. Like most girls living in the city, I've found that a lot of my social life revolves around the regular consumption of high-calorie food and alcoholic beverages. I've decided to start a blog about how I am trying to beat the bulge by eating and cooking defensively between social engagements and how even a busy girl can fit exercise into a busy life.

    All recipes are on Petitchef


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