Finally had the time (well I don't really make anything that takes a lot of time) and the motivation (no leftovers for lunch) to get cooking again. I've been in a big dipping mood lately, so I decided to make Broccolli Dip! I really wish those scallions from Tuna Burger night didn't wilt almost immediately.

Just as a matter of course, let me once again explain why ANYONE can make and pack a nutritional healthy lunch, no matter how busy. Last night I worked until 8:30pm, went to a bar to say hi to Boyfriend and steal a sip of beer, bought stuff for broccolli dip and breakfast, got changed and ran 5 miles (!!!), then came home, made, watched a little Chopped (while snacking...grr...), made broccolli dip, showered and was in bed before midnight. A nutritious lunch and breakfast can be fit into any schedule without giving up sleep or other priority things!

So without further ado....
Creamy Broccoli Dip

Ingredients (left to right): fat free cream cheese with a lemon on top, lemon pepper seasoning (obviously I just use this on everything), sea salt, scallions and the star of this dip: broccolli.
Forgotten ingredients: garlic powder, balsamic vinegar, extra lemon juice, dash of skim milk.

Instructions: Chop all the broccolli into floret sized pieces (i.e. just use the tree parts!). Boil some water in a pan big enough to hold the broccolli. While the water is boiling, finely chop the scallions (i used 3 pieces, with the whites) and mix them all into the tub of fat free cream cheese.
** This winds up making an extra treat: fat free scallion cream cheese. It becomes super creamy once you mix it and will go great with Smart Bagels or can be put onto some potato skins (soon to come, am craving them!)***

Once the water is boiling, drop in the broccolli and let it hang out for about 5-6 minutes. Don't overcook the broccolli, it will lose it's taste!

Once the broccolli is cooked, combine the broccolli, 1.5 heaping tbsp scallion cream cheese, juice and zest of one lemon, 1-2 tbsp balsamic vinegar, a splash or two of skim milk and salt/lemon-pepper/garlic powder into a blender and let it rip. (These quantities are all for 2 heads of broccolli and makes a thickish dip. For a creamier dip

Note: I find that after blending I have to taste and adjust the seasonings, but I like it pretty acidic so I usually add more lemon juice and more vinegar. If you like it soupier, add more milk or even just water.

I took 1/3 of the resulting dip with six rice crackers (110 calories worth) to lunch. This probably comes out to less than 250 calories. Guess that means I can have a nice dessert yogurt with it! =)

On another note, my friend, lets call him The Chef has asked me if blogging is helping me keep my weight in check and/or changing my eating habits. Yesterday, I answered him that I'm not sure. But three days ago, I got back to the weight that I was before I moved in with Boyfriend and have stayed that way for 3 days so....I guess it IS working. Success.

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    I'm a recent graduate from medical school and a pathology resident living in New York City. Like most girls living in the city, I've found that a lot of my social life revolves around the regular consumption of high-calorie food and alcoholic beverages. I've decided to start a blog about how I am trying to beat the bulge by eating and cooking defensively between social engagements and how even a busy girl can fit exercise into a busy life.

    All recipes are on Petitchef


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