Tonight's plans: Lobster Dinner at Nino's (Three Course Lobster Dinner for Two With Wine-$79-courtesy of I have no illusions of what will happen here. I'm only going to set 2 goals for myself. 1) No butter sauce-cocktail sauce instead. But only because I actually prefer it. 2) No potato

I will have my share of the bottle of wine, certainly a piece of bread and my share of whatever the other courses are. To be honest, weighting my food and logging my calories has helped me get back to my goal weight and I've not fluctuated from it for a couple of days. While a small part of me wonders if my scale has malfunctioned, another (bigger) part of me is proud of this and feels that a reward is in order. Also, Boyfriend is working all weekend so a decadent dinner seems like a reasonable thing to do. The remainder of the weekend contains only plans that require alcoholic beverage consumption (two plans, both on Saturday, grr) so I'm hoping I can lose whatever I gain by next Thursday (graduation formal day). I do have a dress, it is tight, I must be careful after Friday. Does anyone else do this or am I really going nuts?

7AM: Defensive Eating Plan for this afternoon: Eat 2 400 calorie meals (breakfast/lunch), no snacking. Gym before dinner. Walk there and back (2 miles)
-Off to a good start with smoothie (see upcoming post) and 2oz dark chocolate
Beginning to fail....
Just before leaving the apt: Extra 150 calories with breakfast in the form of a sneaky chocolate rugula that is sitting in my fridge being ignored by Boyfriend. NOT worth it.
12PM: Lunch of kale chips (click for recipe), mango and 1/2 cup of Homemade Granola
1PM: 6 saltines dipped in honey mustard (extra 100 cals). Totally worth it and necessary.
1:10PM: Huge cup of coffee for warmth. Also necessary. Would hospitals function without 24 coffee spots??

3:30PM Lull at work means I can put up this blog post. Still planning on getting in 1 hour of workout.

Upshot to all this: I do NOT expect to be proud of myself tonight.

Stay tuned for: further adventures with wheat germ, smoothies and grilled watermelon salad!

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    I'm a recent graduate from medical school and a pathology resident living in New York City. Like most girls living in the city, I've found that a lot of my social life revolves around the regular consumption of high-calorie food and alcoholic beverages. I've decided to start a blog about how I am trying to beat the bulge by eating and cooking defensively between social engagements and how even a busy girl can fit exercise into a busy life.

    All recipes are on Petitchef


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