This isn't pretty
Black bean brownies. It was one of those things, a challenge that I accepted. There were a few different recipes online, some vegan, some not. I decided to combine some different recipes and come up with my own. In reality, they could have been worse, and even more importantly, they're not TERRIBLE in yogurt as an add-in. Haven't decided yet if I'll be making more.

Anyway, posts are a little blah right now due to extenuating circumstances and just too much going out, too little cooking. I may prepare some spaghetti squash tonight and perhaps put a piece of tilapia on top of it, but I'm not too hopeful there.

In any case, here's the honest-to-goodness brownie breakdown: 100 calories for a pretty good sized piece of "brownie" (bigger than a deck of cards), texture is something between a brownie and a mousse, taste is bland (though not offensive). Would a topping for an extra 25 cals save it? Maybe, I'll give it a shot. Also, I put cherries in these and I am wondering if maybe a little chipotle wont make them "pop" a bit.
1 15oz can black beans (no sodium), drained
1/2 cup water (big mistake)
1.5 ripe bananas
1.5 eggs
1 tbsp agave nectar
1 tbsp sugar free maple syrup
1.5 tsp vanilla
1/4+1/8 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/8 cup flour (whole grain pastry)
1/3 cup bing cherries, chopped

1. Puree black beans (I did it with the cup of water, but I would recommend against it). Add in the bananas, cut into chunks. Puree again.
2. Add in remaining ingredients, feel free to taste-check.
3. Bake in a pan or casserole dish (sprayed with non-stick spray OR on a piece of parchment paper-my method of choice) at 375 degrees for about 45 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Don't worry about the cracks, but make sure to cool it completely before cutting.

I started this entry about a day ago and since, the brownies have "dried out". Basically, the 1/2 cup of water caused them to "sweat" water! They were just constantly wet. But this morning, the brownies dried and now they're quite palatable. Still not brownies though. Here's one hanging out on top of a bowl of strawberry yogurt. I suspect that if I were to stick one underneath some Tasti-D-Lite it would also be quite nice.
Maybe I was wrong to judge so hastily. Certainly, I'm going to try this again, minus the water, maybe with a little more flour, definitely a touch of chipotle, and I will even consider adding some chocolate chips! Stay tuned.

On a quick PS note: My July 4 is relatively tame, again due to extenuating circumstances, and while BBQ wont be happening, both sets of parentals (mine and Boyfriend's) have dropped by in very recent history and have delivered so much food to the apartment that we are likely to be living on the "fat of the land" so to speak and just grazing on our completely full fridge for a bit.

Today's lunch will be the second to last bit of borscht (yes! It is still around and it is by far one of my best kitchen successes!) with a beer while watching the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest. =)

7/5/2011 08:34:35 pm

7/5/2011 08:41:45 pm

i'm sorry you didn't get a better result, but it was a first try. chipotle sounds like a great addition.
your tuna salad below looks great. no idea arugula had so many calories, but taste is worth it. extenuating circumstances here have had me eating more out of fridge or worse freezer (pizza), but hope to get back on track,too.

7/6/2011 01:29:54 pm

Hi Serenity.
1) Yes, after eating them with a bit of jam and a bit of yogurt, I kind of like them! Chipotle it is!
2) It was the wrap that added 80 calories and I highballed the 20 calories for arugula for misc add ins I'm sure I forgot about!
3) I'm working 12 hour days right now so I'm also having some freezer foods. Next blog entry will be all about that, actually!


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    I'm a recent graduate from medical school and a pathology resident living in New York City. Like most girls living in the city, I've found that a lot of my social life revolves around the regular consumption of high-calorie food and alcoholic beverages. I've decided to start a blog about how I am trying to beat the bulge by eating and cooking defensively between social engagements and how even a busy girl can fit exercise into a busy life.

    All recipes are on Petitchef


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