Well, I must say, brunch and a post-dodgeball beverage last night pretty much carried me through the whole evening. While I don't recommend skipping meals, if you've taken in an appropriate caloric and nutritional load before "dinnertime" and don't feel hungry, don't feel pressured to eat, your body knows what it needs. Towards 9:30pm I still wasn't hungry but my sweet tooth was acting up.

I decided to make myself a nice steaming cup of caramel tea. No seriously, Talbot Teas makes chocolate and caramel and nutty teas that really taste a lot like dessert! For $12 a cannister and at least 20 nice big servings, it's a great deal! Though it's looseleaf so you have to have an infuser (super cheap, found in all home-goods stores!)
Tip: for a more savory dessert tea, add a little milk or a little sweetener.

Moving right along...

I was pretty proud of what I accomplished in 45 minutes this morning: making and eating a very leisurely breakfast and putting together a nutritious, healthy lunch.

Note: breakfast was both nutritious and healthy but because I went back for seconds, I can't call it successful defensive eating. =( Why? I wasn't even hungry! But at least I am admitting it, maybe next time I wont do it!

5-grain Blueberry Breakfast: This is about 2/3 cup 5-grain cereal, two generous handfuls of blueberries (fresh or frozen-thawed are both fine! and one big handful of some sort of fiber cereal (dry mix to the left). Top it off with 1/3 cup hot water and maybe a splash of milk (a little less appealing after the liquids-right).

I  can't make this out to be more than 200 calories. Pretty satisfying!

I usually pack my lunch so I put this together in about 10 minutes from leftovers and other purchases from Trader Joes.
I can't stress this enough: this Chopped Veggie Mix takes all the work out of salad making. And also all the expense.
Here's what you get for about $5: carrots, celery, green bell peppers, jicama, broccolli, red and white cabbage and raddish. All told, I would call this about 3-4 servings. If you bought even one of each of these veggies, you would run up a bill of $10 and probably have leftovers. AND spend time chopping them. Thanks TJ =)

(Don't have a TJ's near you? Buy veggies and chop them up on Sunday night. They'll sit in the fridge for 3 days. Hint: Jicama and small carrot pieces are high maintenance and the broccolli pieces will look like florets. Throw in a red bell pepper, cucumber and some bean sprouts for an easier chopping experience. Then add some beans.)

To this I added 3 slices of leftover herbed turkey breast and 2 servings of fat-free Feta cheese (leftover from dinner on Saturday). Use any sort of low-cal dressing (45 cal or less/serving).
Final Tally: 250 calories on the outside, $3.50 (maybe $4 if you use fancy turkey or dressing!), veggies, protein, dairy = full tummy!

I also took along a medium sized grapefruit for "dessert". Though, after a blueberry/chocolaty breakfast, it hardly felt like that.

We'll talk again after dinner. The plan is to work out for an hour and eventually make brussel sprouts.

4/5/2011 12:31:13 pm

Great idea about the Talbot Teas. I'm looking forward to trying one. Anything to control the out-of-control evening chocolate cravings.

4/7/2011 02:01:12 am

Yes! Especially if you add the milk/creamer or a little packet of sweetener.

It helps that it's warm and you can have it completely guilt-free. Note: this is *not* caffeine free!!


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    I'm a recent graduate from medical school and a pathology resident living in New York City. Like most girls living in the city, I've found that a lot of my social life revolves around the regular consumption of high-calorie food and alcoholic beverages. I've decided to start a blog about how I am trying to beat the bulge by eating and cooking defensively between social engagements and how even a busy girl can fit exercise into a busy life.

    All recipes are on Petitchef


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