This is really only about 1/4 of a serving
Ingredients (serves 1)
200 g (or about 2 cups) cauliflower **Eyeball this, a bit more cauliflower is always good for extra volume!* (50 cal)
1 serving fat free cheddar cheese (45 cal)
1/2 serving part-skim mozzarella (35 cal)
1 serving egg whites or 1/4 cup skim milk (25 cal)

Steam the cauliflower (or microwave in a covered dish for 5 minutes) until tender
Toss it in the food processor of grate in a cheese grater
Throw everything together in a food processor and whirl until smooth.
Heads up: don't worry about the "raw" egg. The warm cauliflower will cook it just like it will melt the cheese.

Altogether for 155 calories. It's a large side or part of a main if paired with a bit of bacon or sausage.

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